7 Impressive TMJ Pain Relief Exercises

Dental Care Burke • Feb 22, 2022

Do you experience severe pain while chewing, yawning, or smiling? Does it hurt so bad that you're afraid to open your mouth at all? Then clearly your TMJ symptoms have gotten out of hand.

Our best advice to you, in this case, is to make an appointment with your dentist right away. However, it might take a few weeks before your dentist can fit you in.

So, in the meantime, there are plenty of TMJ pain relief exercises you can try at home. And we're going to show you how to do them. Learn all about the best TMJ exercises/TMD relaxation techniques by reading this guide.

The Case For TMJ Pain Relief Exercises

Strangely, medical professionals aren't sure why the following exercises seem to minimize symptoms. What we do know is that they help with your jaw's range of motion and overall strength. In any case, many TMD patients report a noticeable improvement after trying jaw strengthening exercises. 

More importantly, though, TMD is often caused by:

  • Jaw injuries/infections
  • Dental procedures
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Arthritis
  • Use of a breathing tube during surgery
  • Stress

The point is, you need to see a professional dentist or doctor about your TMJ disorder. Only then can the underlying cause of the TMD be treated.

Of course, there are many recorded cases of TMD in which no cause could be determined. Still, a dentist may be able to prescribe medication for your TMJ pain. Furthermore, the following exercises may help your symptoms while you await professional treatment.

1. Relaxed Jaw Exercise

Usually, opening your mouth is intentional, not involuntary. The same is true of keeping your mouth closed.

As such, your jaw hardly ever gets a chance to relax, especially if you have TMD. So, here's an exercise that teaches your irritated jaw to relax. 

Start by resting your tongue on the roof of your mouth. While keeping your tongue in place, allow your jaw to fall open, naturally.

Be careful not to purposely move your jaw open with your muscles. That would defeat the point of trying to get your jaw to relax. 

In addition to this exercise, your dentist can use dental TENSing to relax your jaw. If you don't see improvement after the relaxed jaw exercise, ask your dentist about dental TENSing. 

2. Goldfish Exercises

The goldfish exercise helps you stretch your jaw with minimal pain. There are two variations based on how wide the jaw is opened.

Partial Opening

First, position your tongue on the roof of your mouth and keep it there. Place the index finger of one hand between your lower lip and your chin. 

Next, place the index finger of your other hand on the temporomandibular joint. The TMJ is located in front of your ear, where you experience TMD pain. 

Open your jaw halfway and then close it. You may feel resistance but you shouldn't feel any pain.

Repeat this exercise for 6 reps per set. Do 6 sets per day.

Full Opening

This variation starts the same as the partial opening version. As above, place one finger below your lip and one finger on the TMJ.

This time, instead of stopping halfway, open your jaw fully and then close it. Do 6 sets of 6 reps each day.

No Finger on Chin

Another variation of this exercise is to put an index finger on each TMJ at the same time. No finger is placed above the chin.

With your tongue on the roof of your mouth, open and close your jaw (either fully or partially). The recommended number of reps and sets is the same.

3. Resisted Mouth Closing and Opening

These exercises help to strengthen the muscles that open and close your jaw. We'll start with the opening exercise.

Resisted Mouth Opening

Stick your thumb out and place it under your chin. It should be positioned like a hook that's holding your jaw shut.

As you open your jaw, keep pressing your thumb gently against your chin. Likewise, your chin has to push away your thumb to open.

Once your jaw is fully open, hold this position for 3-6 seconds. Then, close your mouth slowly.

Resisted Mouth Closing

With your jaw fully open, clamp your chin with your index finger and thumb. Slowly close your jaw while pressing against this motion with your index finger.

4. Chin Tucks

Sit or stand up straight with your shoulders back and your chest out. Press your chin all the way down against your neck. This should create the "double chin" appearance.

Hold this for 3 seconds, then reset. Do ten reps of this.

5. Tongue Up

This exercise is a lot like the goldfish exercise. Except, it doesn't involve your hands.

Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Then, very slowly, open your jaw and close it. Repeat this exercise 6-10 times. 

6. Side-to-Side Jaw Movement

For this exercise, you need an object in your mouth that's 1/4 of an inch thick. Stacked popsicle sticks/tongue depressors work fine.

Hold this object softly between your front teeth. Gently move your jaw in a side-to-side motion. When the exercise begins to feel more comfortable, increase the thickness of the object.

7. Forward Jaw Movement

As with the Side-to-Side Jaw exercise, hold a 1/4-inch thick object between your front teeth. Slowly, protrude your bottom jaw forward, then slide it back. Increase the object thickness as needed.

Remember These TMJ Pain Relief Exercises

Don't let the unbearable pain of TMJ disorders endure. Stop them once and for all with the TMJ pain relief exercises listed above. Also, keep this guide bookmarked in your browser so you don't forget them.

Lastly, don't forget to make an appointment with Dental Care Burke, the top dental experts in Burke, VA. Fill out our new patient form here to get started.

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